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Dear Subscriber, 

2020 has been a year none of us will forget, bringing changes we could not have imagined. 

At the same time we’ve seen the power of what science can do when faced with such a global challenge. Proteomics has had a key part to play in tackling COVID-19, for example in the identification of potential drug targets and understanding the immune response to the disease.

Beyond the pandemic, we’ve seen a step change in our tools and technologies over the past 12 months, firmly establishing proteomics as a precision science with applications across the entire research pipeline. 

From advances in instrumentation and automation to combining machine learning with user-friendly analytical software, read our CTO Lukas Reiter’s LinkedIn article to find out how progress in proteomics is bringing a new era of discovery for the life sciences.

Whatever your vision for proteomics in 2021, we would love to help you make it a reality. Share your thoughts in the article's comment section or just get in touch to explore your ideas with our expert advisors. 

From all of us at Biognosys, we wish you a joyful holiday season and a peaceful and productive 2021. 

Best regards, 
The Biognosys Team

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