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Next Generation Proteomics Highlights

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We are excited to share the latest updates and news from and around Biognosys with you:

White Paper: Accelerating Biomarker Discovery with Plasma Proteomics

Blood plasma is brimming with potential protein biomarkers to support precision therapeutics' discovery, development, and clinical utility. Our new White Paper explains how advances in mass spectrometry unlock the potential of the plasma proteome. Proteomics in blood unlocks actionable insights that are essential for biomarker discovery and targeted drug development.

Joint Webinar: Biomarker Discovery for Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors

Join our joint webinar with Crown Bioscience on December 8th. In the webinar, we will present different assays that can be used for biomarker discovery to improve cancer treatment. Don't miss the possibility to hear from Ludovic Bourre, PhD, from Crown Bioscience, and our Biognosyan Yuehan Feng, PhD, about the progress in biomarker discovery and their applications in precision medicine.

Exploring a New World of Protein Biomarkers with Mass Spectrometry

When you research novelty, don't stop at what is already known. Most biomarker research focuses on the presence, absence, or relative abundance of specific proteins known to be linked to disease. But many other proteins and protein characteristics are relevant for health - including post-translational modifications, aggregation, misfolding, truncations, degradation, changes in interactions, complex formation, and binding partners.

Winner Announcement: Biognosys 2021 Grant Program in Liver Disease

NAFLD is a disorder with extremely complex pathogenesis that can include metabolic, genetic, and inflammatory contributors. Despite an estimated NAFLD prevalence of 25% worldwide, there are no available pharmacotherapeutics and the attempts at drug development have been marked by challenges. We are ready to accept the challenge and support Julia Wattacheril, MD, MPH, at Columbia Irving Medical Center to push the frontiers of liver research together.

Visit our website to learn more about how we can support your research and subscribe to our Proteomics Highlights to stay up to date with the latest news:

Best regards, 
The Biognosys Team

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