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Next Generation Proteomics Solutions

Dear Subscriber, 

Only one more week until the launch of Spectronaut 15, the gold-standard software for DIA proteomics analysis. Take a peek at what we have prepared for you, already today:

Launch Webinar: Expand Biological Insights with DIA Proteomics

Join our big launch webinar next Tuesday. There, Spectronaut lead developer, Oliver M. Bernhardt will guide you through the latest improvements, and guest speaker Andreas-David Brunner from Matthias Mann’s Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry will present their latest research on single-cell proteomics using Spectronaut.

Improved UI: A New Way to Visualize Your DIA Data

One of the most significant feature updates is the redesigned user interface, opening up completely new possibilities to visualize your data. Let Fabia Simona show you the updated and improved user interface. Take a peek at what awaits you in Spectronaut 15 in this video demonstration.

Spectronaut at a Glance: Take Your DIA Data to the Next Level

Spectronaut brings DIA proteomics to its full potential with more identifications, improved quantification, an intuitive user interface, and first-class technical support! View the updated product brochure to learn how Spectronaut can support your research projects.
Visit our website to learn more about how we can support your proteomics research and stay tuned for more exciting news.

Best regards, 
The Biognosys Team

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